Muslim youth group offering help for seniors and vulnerable residents during COVID-19 pandemic

If you need your groceries or medication delivered to you during the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot always ask a friend or family member to help you, a new campaign might be able to help. Recently, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association announced the launched of its nationwide Neighbourhood Helper campaign Through the campaign, Muslim youth will be […]
Neighbourhood Helper’ launched by Muslim youth group to help Ottawans during COVID-19

The group is offering to pick up groceries, fill out prescriptions and provide moral support. As the COVID-19 pandemic creates many new life challenges, a youth group is helping offering their services in big cities across Canada. Through the “Neighbourhood Helper” campaign, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association is offering to help pick up groceries, fill […]
Helping Neighbours’: Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association new coronavirus initiative

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association’s members pack food into a vehicle during a February food drive. – Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association photo Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association has launched a new initiative called “Neighbourhood Helper” to help Canadians who need assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new website states: “Just because you’re self isolating doesn’t mean […]
COVID-19: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association launches “Neighbourhood Helper” campaign.

A local organization is helping during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association has launched their “Neighbourhood Helper” campaign. National President of the Youth Association, Zubair Afzal, says it’s about helping those who have been told to stay home. Afzal adds that feedback has already been fantastic since their launch on March 24th. He […]
Muslim youth group offering help for seniors and vulnerable residents during COVID-19 pandemic

If you need your groceries or medication delivered to you during the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot always ask a friend or family member to help you, a new campaign might be able to help. Recently, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association announced the launched of its nationwide Neighbourhood Helper campaign Through the campaign, Muslim youth will be […]
Calgary’s Kindness: How Calgarians are helping each other during COVID-19 pandemic

The Sheraton Eau Claire displays a heart symbol at sunset in downtown Calgary. Every night at sunset, the popular downtown hotel lights up part of the skyline. Jim Wells/Postmedia Jim Wells/Postmedia Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page. Article […]

PROVIDING GROCERY PICK-UP AND MORAL SUPPORT When it comes to the challenges of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, youth across the country are lending a helping hand to those who need it. The Canada-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association has launched a Neighbourhood Helper program. They are offering help with getting groceries, filling prescriptions, and providing […]
Muslim youth offers help nation-wide

Canada’s largest Muslim youth group is mobilizing to help Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ontario-based Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth group launched the nationwide “Neighbourhood Helper” campaign to offer their services to Canadians who need assistance with picking up groceries, filling prescriptions, and providing overall moral support. Canadians who require assistance are encouraged to call 1-855-HELP811 […]
Canada’s largest Muslim youth group launches campaign to help Canadians through pandemic

SUMMARY Canada’s largest Muslim youth group says it’s ready to help anyone who needs it Canada’s largest Muslim youth group says it’s ready to help anyone who needs it during the COVID-19 outbreak People who need assistance can sign up at VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — Whether it’s getting groceries, a prescription or someone to […]
Faith group donates food to brighten holidays for vulnerable Calgarians

Calgary’s urban sprawl outpaces most cities in North America. With the fast growth comes infrastructure and social problems in a booning city. The population is still growing and many people in Calgary are homeless because of high rents and housing availability. (David Buston/CP) CALGARY (660 NEWS) — The holidays can be especially tough for some […]