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Neighbourhood Helper
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Tree Planting
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Blood Drive
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Shelter Bus
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Charity Runs
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Supporting Local Food banks
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Mercy 4 Mankind
Muslim Youth travelling with the Mobile Exhibition have been visiting towns across Canada as part of ISLAM IN MOTION: I AM A MUSLIM, ASK ME ANYTHING campaign with the purpose to remove misconceptions about #Islam
Report of team's visit to #Toronto by @CP24#IslamInMotion #YYZ pic.twitter.com/HG9ccPQnTB
— Muslim Youth Canada (@AMYACanada) September 11, 2021
Initiatives and Partners
Blood Donations
Homeless Feeding
Shelter Bus
Outreach Efforts
Trees Planted
Million Pounds Food collected
Blood Donation Clinics

love for all, hatred for none.
“If a Muslim plants a tree or grows grains, then a bird, a person or an animal eats it, it will be counted as charity for him.”The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (Bukhari, Muslim)“…And whoso gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.”The Holy Qur’an [5:33]
If a young man honors the elderly on account of his age, Allah appoints someone to honor him in his old age.”The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (Tirmidhi)
“And they feed, for the love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the prisoner. Saying, ‘We feed you for Allah’s pleasure only. We desire no reward nor thanks from you.”The Holy Qur’an [76:9,10]
“Every act of goodness is charity”The Holy Prophet (Bukhari, Muslim)
“I personally feel that the alignment of Ahmadiyya [Muslim] values with Canadian values – values of openness, respect, compassion and willingness to work hard and desire to be there for each other – these are the kinds of things we need so much more of in the community and in the world.”
Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
“I…stand alongside the [Ahmadiyya Muslim] community which speaks out fearlessly in defence of tolerance, pluralism, and religious freedom. We are united by our values.”
Andrew Scheer
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
“Thank you to the [Ahmadiyya Muslim] Community for all the work that you do and the model you are for what communities and community engagement is all about.”
Hon. Deb Schulte
Member of Parliament and Canada’s Minister of Seniors
“The Ahmadiyya Muslim community is a dynamic aspect of Brampton, of Ontario, of Canada. They’re always doing fundraisers for hospitals, fundraisers for different community initiatives, food drives. They’re truly a great example of Canada.”
Gurratan Singh
Member of Provincial Parliament for Brampton East
“I want to say, as a very proud Ontarian, that I salute the Ahmadiyya [Muslim] Community for all of the extraordinary work that each of its members does to make Ontario a better province and to make Canada the greatest country in the world.”
Steven Del Duca
Ontario’s Former Minister of Transportation
Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association
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Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association Canada is organizing a poetry session with Respected Mubarak Siddiqui Sahib on J… https://t.co/ihUSYrJi3K
Muslim Youth Canada@AMYACanadaJul 03
RT @BethFrise: @AMYAPrairie @AMYACanada @CanadasLifeline Thank you for supporting patients and donating blood on July 1st as part of AMYA’s…
Muslim Youth Canada@AMYACanadaJul 03
RT @AMYAPrairie: Our Muslim Youth from Saskatoon, SK celebrated Canada Day by donating blood as part of @AMYACanada’s nationwide blood dri…
Muslim Youth Canada@AMYACanadaJul 03