Neighbourhood Helper’ launched by Muslim youth group to help Ottawans during COVID-19

The group is offering to pick up groceries, fill out prescriptions and provide moral support.

As the COVID-19 pandemic creates many new life challenges, a youth group is helping offering their services in big cities across Canada.

Through the “Neighbourhood Helper” campaign, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association is offering to help pick up groceries, fill out prescriptions and provide moral support.

Canadians who require assistance are encouraged to call 1-855-HELP811 or sign up on

“It’s very simple,” said Farhan Iqbal, missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Canada. “You sign up with some details and we will reach out to you.”

There are branches of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Canada in all major cities, and the group says it is able to provide services to those on the outskirts of the metropolitan areas.

“There are thousands of us across Canada, and even those who are in further away towns, we can send teams,” said Iqbal.

He tells 1310 NEWS it’s crucial for Canadians to come together during this difficult time.

“Our teachings in the religion of Islam are that we should love humanity, and we should show that same kind of love for all of humanity, especially in these trying times as people are in need.”

The campaign launched Tuesday evening and will run indefinitely as the group monitors the COVID-19 outbreak.

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