By the Grace of Almighty Allah, AMYA Canada was able to hold its first ever Trade Fair.
The program commenced at 2:00PM on Feb 11th where attention was brought to a famous discourse given by Hazrat Musleh Mau`ud (ra) (The founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association), in which he stated “Hence, you should make yourself more proficient, and more capable, not only in your religion but also in every secular activity, every skill, and every profession. So much so that there is no field left in which the world can find anyone more competent than the members of Jamā’at Ahmadiyya.”
This beautiful quote set the backdrop for an amazing event which featured 25 vendors from various construction and trade related industries. Representatives ranging from irrigation, painting, HVAC and more had a chance to network and meet members from all walks of life. Young and Old had the opportunity to gain valuable insight into specific trade industries and how they could themselves join and gain experience. Dozens of connections were made and relationships built that will allow members to expand their network and venture into new territory with invaluable insight and guidance.
The trade fair comes at a very crucial juncture in time for Canadians. It is estimated that by 2029, about 91,000 construction/trade workers are expected to retire. This leaves a huge void and need for skilled tradesmen. This represents an excellent opportunity for newcomers as well as any Jam ‘at member looking to transition into the skilled trades.
By the Grace of Allah, an excellent platform was established through the Trade Fair to bridge members of the community with industry professionals. With the ever expanding shortage of skilled trades in Canada, a network has been created to allow growth and progression for those members willing take action.