Toronto’s newest shelter for the homeless is an actual bus

The winter months become a dire time for people living on the streets of Toronto. With freezing temperatures and damp air, homeless shelters are no longer a resource, but a means for survival. Toronto Public Health reported that 101 people experiencing homelessness died in 2017, followed by 92 in 2018. This year there have been 57 deaths to date That’s […]
Toronto’s winter ‘Shelter Bus’ for the homeless is as sensible as it is kind

Park ‘n’ sleep. Perchance to dream. Definitely to warm up and rest a while. A city that often throws its down-and-out under the bus — despite the mega-millions also thrown at the chronic urban blight of homelessness — is just a little bit kinder today, a tiny bit more big-hearted. Although the city — as […]