Report of Trade Fair

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, AMYA Canada was able to hold its first ever Trade Fair. The program commenced at 2:00PM on Feb 11th where attention was brought to a famous discourse given by Hazrat Musleh Mau`ud (ra) (The founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association), in which he stated “Hence, you should make yourself more […]

Homeless Feeding

Worship Allah and do not set anything aside for Him, and (show) kindness to parents, relatives, orphans and the needy, the neighbor who is a relative, and the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion at your side and the wanderer and those who have your rights. Verily, Allah does not love the proud, the boastful. (Sura […]

Muslims Donate Blood

Unfortunately, it often happens that fanatics spread terror in society in the name of Islam. We as Ahmadi Muslims are deeply affected by such atrocities and our hearts mourn for the victims. Contrary to these atrocities, Allah tala says in the Holy Quran: “You are the best people, created for the good of mankind; you command what is […]

AMYA Shelter Bus

“My purpose, yearning, and heartfelt desire is to serve humanity; This is my job, this is my faith, this is my habit and this is my way of life.” [Barahin-E-Ahmadiyya, Part 2, Page 88] During the harsh winters of Toronto, Canada, an alarming number of homeless people lose their lives every year. The media reports that […]